‘Purposeful Portfolio Careers’ Workshop

Ambrose University in the continuing Faith, Life & Learning series is focusing this fall on Work with Dr. Gordon Smith speaking in chapel on God’s Call to Work and an evening workshop on a new way of defining work called Purposeful Portfolio Careers.

Faith, Life & Learning: Work – Nov 1st
• Morning Chapel 11:15-12:00pm in Gym
• Evening Workshop 7-9pm in Airhart Lecture Theater

Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Community are all invited

Purposeful Portfolio Careers: Think outside the box to redefine your work life.
A portfolio careerist is someone who feels more secure generating income from a variety of sources rather than relying on one full-time job. The global economy, advancing technology and access to global talent has changed the playing field for North Americans looking for work. Portfolio careers will become the new way to thrive in our new world of work.
This workshop will examine the concept of portfolio careers; the pros and cons and the benefits of this style of work in our global economy and recession. If you are interested in designing a portfolio approach to work, this workshop will help you:
• Reinvent the concept of career direction and work life.
• Identify the advantages and disadvantages of this style of work.
• Learn how to market a portfolio career with focus and purpose.

Gail Kastning B. Ed., MBTI, TKI and Strong Interest Certification
Bridging the Gap – Intercultural and Career Services

Gail has worked a portfolio career for 22 years out of a 30 year career. She feels more secure generating income from a variety of sources rather than having one full-time job. She is self-employed with a business that focuses on providing career services. She currently does speaking engagements on the topic of Purposeful Portfolio Careers.


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